Rannu kirivöö Red
Rannu kirivöö Red
This design merges two distinct yet similar cultural heritages: Estonian kirivöö patterns and Wayuu indigenous craftsmanship. Both traditions are enamored with geometric patterns pulsating with hypnotic rhythms - known as "kanaasu" in Wayuu weaving.
Notably, an ecologically sustainable thread is used. This marks a significant milestone because, until now, the Wayuu have primarily used acrylic material instead of natural materials like fique and homegrown cotton used in the past.
Artist: Ahumado Community
Origin: Riohacha, Colombia
Measures: Height; 24 cm - Width; 20 cm
Materials: Recycled Cotton (Producer Rehilos Piolas E Hilazas)
Technique: Crochet
Package: Cardboard (Räpina Paberivabrik AS, 90% of the raw material is waste paper), reuse of cardboard waste (OÜ Järsi)